
Alexandros Michailidis /

Janet Yellen Eats Four Helpings of ‘Shrooms in China & Then Acts Like a...

Is the Biden regime a bunch of druggies or what? We’ve got Hunter Biden leaving his stash laying around in the White House. There’s...
Ringo Chiu /

Biden’s Deadly Open Border Creates More Illegal Alien Murderers Than Ever Before

A former Field Office Director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement estimates that Joe Biden’s open border policies have created another 300,000 Angel Families in...
The Old Major /

A Look at Ron DeSantis’ Military Career

Many Americans want to vote in a President who has military experience. Why? In addition to being the President, they are also the Commander...
Africa Studio /

Child Trafficking Film ‘Sound of Freedom’ Crushes Woke Indiana Jones at the Box Office

It’s a hit! Jim Caviezel’s new film ‘Sound of Freedom’ about the global rings of pedophile politicians, celebrities and business tycoons who participate in...
Cast of Thousands /

MN Human Popsicle Is Fugitive

As if the month of June could not be weirder, for a family in the small town of Biwabik, Minnesota, it did. On June 27th...
AJR_photo /

Cost of Living So High Seniors Are Forced To Do DoorDash

The cost of living is on the rise -- and seniors who are on fixed incomes are finding it hard to make ends meet. William...
Katherine Welles /

Oops! JPMorgan “Accidentally” Deleted Millions of Emails During an SEC Investigation

Is it just me, or do you instantly think of Hillary Clinton when you hear about millions of emails being deleted? Unless the former...
Prostock-studio /

5 Ways Small Businesses are Dealing with Inflation

With the cost of living increasing and retail prices also rising, the discrepancy in the cost between big box companies and smaller businesses has...
Fedorovacz /

National Hamburger Day Is On Its Way…But for How Long?

Every May 28 is National Hamburger Day. It's an excuse to eat burgers and fries, wash them down with a cold milkshake, and watch...

Thousands of Auto Workers Being Laid off as Biden Economy Worsens

Joe Biden’s suicidal energy policy has been shrinking the car-buying sector of the economy to the point where many automakers are suddenly beginning to...
