World Politics

LanKS /

China Says America is Risking it All Over Trump Indictment

Let's face it; China would like nothing more than to see the United States fall and fail. And according to them, that's exactly what...
Tinnakorn jorruang /

Australian Safe Injecting Rooms Are a Great Preview of the Liberal Solution to Addiction...

For years, the liberal left has been trying to defend their hardcore drug abusers as people who are misunderstood, or that we just need...
Shag 7799 /

Canadian PM Trudeau Refuses To Spend the Bare Minimum and Meet Defense Commitments

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been nothing but a wet blanket for the people of Canada. While he did intelligent things like legalizing...
StockMediaSeller /

FBI Offers Up $40K After Another American Goes Missing in Mexico; Report Shows This...

Kidnappings in Mexico are something Americans have been cautioned against for decades. With the uprising of cartels throughout the country in the 1970s, the...
Tetiana Lukerievas /

Smell Those Baguettes! Paris Contends With Sanitation Strike

Taking a trip to Paris for many people is the vacation of a lifetime. The Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, the trash mounds? With the...
Blake Elliott /

Indigenous Canadians Get $2.8 Billion in School-Based Reparations

For centuries now, Indigenous tribes across Canada have been looking to be made whole for members who were forced to attend residential day schools....
evenfh /

It’s Not Just the US That’s Warm This Winter- Avalanche Deaths in Canada on...

So far, this has been a rather volatile winter. With extreme highs and violent cold snaps, the ground never had the right opportunity to...
Dmytro Larin /

Guy Dressed in Tracksuit Demands Endless Cash from America for His War with Russia

The only thing more ridiculous than the brutal dictator of Ukraine demanding endless cash from the American taxpayers is the way that American politicians...
Michal Zduniak /

Did the Chinese Spy Balloon Hold Explosives?

Glen VanHerck, a General in the United States Air Force, told reporters on Monday that the Chinese spy balloon could have potentially carried explosives...
lev radin /

Pompeo Wants the Military Prepping for WWIII

Mike Pompeo has done a lot for the country so far in his lifetime, including his time as secretary of state and CIA director...
