Biden is Done with Tara Reade, But Tara Reade Is Not Done with Biden 

Muhammad Aamir Sumsum /
Muhammad Aamir Sumsum /

With all the current scandals involving President Joe Biden, one persistent one refuses to be swept under the rug. Tara Reade refuses to “go away” following her accusations that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 when she was working as a senate staffer. 

Reade is pushing ahead with her accusations, first made before the 2020 election. She had considered coming forward when former President Barack Obama chose Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 but was worried about the impact an investigation would have on her family. 

When Tara Reade initially came forward with her allegations in 2020, Biden’s campaign promptly denied them. Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director Kate Bedingfield asserted, “Women have a right to tell their story, and reporters must vet those claims rigorously. We encourage them to do so because these accusations are false.” Marianne Baker, who served as Biden’s executive assistant from 1982 to 2000, stated that she never witnessed, heard, or received reports of inappropriate conduct. Evidence emerged, however, that Reade told her mother about the assault immediately after it happened. 

A lifelong Democrat, Reade is now asking that House Republicans investigate the matter and says she will testify under oath. 

White House Democrats, who think that women should be believed if it benefits their party, have attempted to neutralize Reade and other women who claim Biden assaulted and harassed them. 

Reade has been contacted by a victims’ advocate from New York who had previously worked with the women who alleged harassment at the hands of Governor Andrew Cuomo. 

House Republicans have not made a public statement regarding their intention to investigate Tara Reade’s sexual assault accusations against President Joe Biden. However, some members, like Representative Lauren Boebert (CO-R), have signaled their willingness to start an investigation. 

Reade, who recently moved to Russia to ensure her safety, is also pushing a new complaint against the FBI. The recent civil rights complaint, filed on Wednesday, is not a lawsuit but rather a request to investigate FBI practices. The complaint asserts that Reade, a whistleblower victim of sexual assault with no criminal background or monetary motivation, became the target of a federal grand jury investigation and a California criminal investigation.  

The civil rights complaint additionally calls for an investigation into the scope of FBI surveillance, encompassing search and seizure activities like applications, subpoenas, and warrants directed at Reade and her social media accounts, financial records, and finances. The complaint seeks disclosure and copies of all records and information associated with her surveillance, emphasizing that the Department of Justice violated her First Amendment rights. Reade also requests the expungement of all FBI records related to her and the investigations. 

Jonathan Levy, the London-based attorney representing Reade, said he is following all proper legal channels, beginning with a request to the Inspector General to investigate. If IG refuses, the next step would be a lawsuit. “She came out in 2019 with the allegations,” he explained. “It was reported in the press, and then it came up again in 2020, at which point she began getting a lot of pressure and complained to the FBI.” The FBI turned the tables and began an operation against Reade, presumably in an attempt to silence her.  

Levy expressed confidence in the existence of files that identify FBI officials involved in Reade’s investigation, indicating that these files would reveal her side of the story. Levy has said that more details will be released in January. 

But Reade is not without controversy. In 2020, she faced charges of lying under oath regarding her testimony as an expert on domestic violence cases, claiming she lied under oath and fabricated her qualifications. Although Reade was found to have lied about her credentials, the district attorney opted not to file perjury charges due to the difficulty in proving the materiality of her false testimony. 

Meanwhile, Reade is adjusting to life in Russia and notes that the people are generally curious and harbor no hatred towards Westerners. Reade has a job at Russia Today and is working on a book about her ordeal. But Reade feels isolated, losing contact with friends and family who fear engaging with her, and she will miss her daughter’s wedding. She said that she would have had no reason to leave the United States if it hadn’t been for Biden and that the only crime she committed was telling the truth. 

Reade has been repeatedly victimized by Biden, then his campaign, and finally by the Justice Department and FBI. It’s a stunning look at the depths that Biden and his weaponized administration will go to silence anyone who dares stand up to them.