Pop quiz: What country has the fattest people in the world? If you’ve listened to the news media for the past 30 years, it’s obvious us big, fat Americans. We’re huge and massively overweight, according to the news. We’re the fattest fatties to ever try to waddle through the kitchen door for that last piece of pie. But is this actually true? It turns out it’s not!
The website Visual Capitalist did a study to rank the world’s countries with the highest adult obesity rates, as measured by body mass index (BMI). It turns out that nine of the top ten fattest countries in the world are islands in the South Pacific.
Tonga is the fattest country in the world, where 72% of adults are obese. The Bahamas and Saint Kitts in the Caribbean also clocked in as being fatter than America.
Egypt is the 12th fattest country in the world, with 44% of adults in the obese category. We would have lost that one in a quiz. People were starving to death in Egypt just a few years ago after Barack Obama overthrew the government there. Another Middle Eastern country, Qatar, ranks at number 13 (43% obesity).
Belize is number 14 and America only makes the list at number 15, with 42% of adults in the obese category. Are we still fat? Yeah, a little bit. But we’re definitely not the fattest in the world and that’s a good reason to celebrate with some cake!
Once again, it turns out that the mass media’s conventional wisdom about something is false. The idea that Americans are the fattest people in the world is designed to demoralize us. More people will then be willing to accept the lie that we need to let millions of foreigners into the country to do manual labor jobs that Americans supposedly won’t do because we’re too fat.