Those who have been paying attention long before Joe Biden threw America’s borders wide open realize that the UN’s Office of Refugee Resettlement is a giant scam. This has been evident for years in Europe. EU countries have been flooded with millions of people from the Third World, who all claim they are refugees. In Sweden, the police are now openly admitting that crime rates drop dramatically during the times of year when the “refugees” go back home for vacations.
The Swedish-language newspaper Fria Tider reported this week, “In southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries.”
“Some of them, who originate in other countries, go there over the summer,” says Mads Karlsson, the director of police intelligence for the southern region of Sweden. “Then we notice a big difference, a greater calm, in our vulnerable areas.”
You don’t say?
One thing that should stand out to everyone is that authentic “refugees” have to flee their home countries because their lives are in danger. If they were truly refugees under the legal definition, why would they take a summer vacation to a place where the government wants to kill them?
Sweden has been so overrun by “refugees” that they now account for 65% of all the nation’s social services expenses. Since so many of them are criminals, maybe Sweden should ask whether it’s worth importing so many from the Third World.
The country used to be so calm that it was safe for anyone to visit there at any time of the year. Today, you have to wait until the “refugees” go home on vacation before it’s safe to walk the streets. It’s easy to see that the United States is heading in the same direction under Joe Biden.