College is becoming more expensive, and for those who are planning to take out student loans, the interest can make the cost of college significantly more expensive. Still, even as some say college isn’t worth it, it’s important to see what college majors are dominating the college scene in the US and what the expected income is post-graduation.
The cost of tuition, books, and room & board over the course of a four-year degree adds up to approximately $140,000. It could be even more, depending on the university. And if a master’s degree is needed, the cost could be double that.
1. Computer Science
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science are expected to continue their astronomical growth, transforming our technology sector’s landscape dramatically. With technology being an integral part of modern life, earning a degree or specialization in computer science represents a solid career choice with limitless possibilities both in academia and industry. As such, we can confidently consider it one of the 2024 top majors—catering to a burgeoning demand for professionals skilled in software engineering, big data analytics, or even developing cutting-edge blockchain applications, just to name a few.
Average salary in the industry: $130,000
2. Business Administration
A perennial favorite for many students who seek robust career opportunities right after graduation, Business Administration majors remain undoubtedly dominant at universities nationwide. Whether specializing in finance, marketing, international business, or entrepreneurship, graduates gain the skills necessary to thrive in today’s globally connected working sectors of Fortune 500 companies. Initiatives targeted by policy experts towards sustainability and corporate governance will elevate the importance of these programs further in the 2024 outlook as well.
Average salary in the industry: $78,000
3. Psychology
Studying human behavior in both academic and real-context environments has made psychology popular since the early days of college education, and it will continue to evolve in 2024. With heightened mental health issues being recognized more fervently, there appears to be boundless scope within research fields like Health Psychology, Child Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Organizational behavior. Additionally, with a renewed focus on diversity & inclusion training, careers within Applied Psychology are predicted to see a significant rise, making psychology majors even more desirable than currently thought.
Average salary in the industry: $96,000
4. Biomedical Engineering
Advancements in the world of medicine are propelling the demand for biomedical engineers, a field that is essentially blending physics, chemistry, as well as engineering principles. The increasing complexity of healthcare systems and technologies calls for innovative designers who understand the intricate systems and mechanisms that work together or can break down. The interdisciplinary approach offered by biomedical engineering degrees caters perfectly to these requirements, positioning this major high on the list.
Average salary in the industry: $129,000
5. Human Resources Management
In an era characterized by constant change, particularly in relation to organizational structures, employee relations, and labor policies, highly competitive industries need HR roles that not only understand regulations but also foster culture, recruit talent, and ensure smooth operations at every step of the employee life cycle. Hence, enrollments in human resource management fields are on the uptrend, making this another predictive front-runner for 2024’s college scene.
Average salary in the industry: $90,000
As institutions adapt to these shifting dynamics, universities must stay attuned to these emerging needs. To that end, they consistently refine curriculum offerings to ensure that students acquire relevant and current skill sets that equip them for future success in their chosen professions. So, students still have the opportunity to attend college and make a mark in the world. After all, with so many important roles out there, someone has to attend college. As for the cost, well, that’s what scholarships are for, right?