Liberal State Rep Threatens Abuse of Power Against Local Bar

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According to NBC10 in Philadelphia, PA, State Rep. Kevin Boyle (D-Philadelphia) found himself getting banned from the Gaul & Co. Malt House. Located on Huntingdon Pike in Rockledge, Pennsylvania, the bar is one of the most popular in Montgomery County.

On February 8th, around midnight, Boyle started getting drunk and belligerent. As the bartender and patrons tried getting him to leave, Boyle snapped. “I can f*cking end this bar, by the way. I’ll f*cking end this bar by the way!! Why are you doing this to me? Stop it, stop it!” He later also said, “You can’t talk to me like this, okay? I’ll close your fucking bar. This bar is done. Do you know who the fuck I am? This bar is done tomorrow! Do you know who the fuck I am?”

He was also filmed telling someone he would hold up their military promotion.

Since then, little has been uncovered about the reasoning behind his outbursts. They do know that at one point, Boyle started threatening to assault women, including the bartender. As a result, 911 was dialed by the bouncer with officers responding quickly. When officers arrived Boyle was standing just outside the establishment, and people inside reported that he was certainly drunk and possibly high.

Banned from the bar, charges were not pressed, and Boyle left the area on foot. Chief of Police John Gallagher said in a press release, “The management team and employees at the Malt House were fully cooperative with the officer when this incident occurred and have continued to be helpful with the Rocklege Police Department as the investigation into this incident continues. They have agreed to preserve recording from the bar’s video surveillance system and their personal phones.”

In 2021, Boyle faced charges for violating an order of protection that had been taken out by his wife, as well as charges of harassment. For that, he seemingly lost his spot serving as House Finance Committee chairman and also had his access to the Capitol limited, but they never specified why.

Boyle serves as proof of why liberal policing doesn’t work. If he had faced real consequences for his crime in 2021, he would have been in jail or, at the very least, not in a position to threaten anyone. Letting criminals walk with no lessons learned has never worked in the history of the world, and it’s not about to start now. Time for the bar to slam Boyle with more than a ban.