
Africa Studio / shutterstock.com

How Biden-flation Hit Super Bowl Parties This Year

If there was one message in Joe Biden’s rambling, amphetamine-infused, and nonsensical State of the Union address this year, it was this: You filthy...
Kisseleva Katya / shutterstock.com

Twitter Censorship Hearing Goes Dark, And This Rep Has the Perfect Response

What does it mean when the power goes out during an all-important Congressional hearing? Well, as one GOP representative pointed out, it’s a sign...
David Gilder / shutterstock.com

AZ Rancher is Held on $1 Million Bond for Allegedly Killing Illegal on His...

When someone is trespassing on your property, could be a threat or a danger to your life or your livelihood, would you defend yourself?...
Evan El-Amin / shutterstock.com

Should Hunter Be Traveling on Air Force One?

Why in the world was Hunter Biden flying on Air Force One this past weekend? This seems like a crazy move based on the...
Michal Zduniak / shutterstock.com

Did the Chinese Spy Balloon Hold Explosives?

Glen VanHerck, a General in the United States Air Force, told reporters on Monday that the Chinese spy balloon could have potentially carried explosives...
ThomasPhoto / shutterstock.com

Military Vets Sue Biden Admin Over This New Rule

As usual, Democratic President Joe Biden and his administration are making up new rules as they go along, anything to push their agenda forward....
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Pompeo Wants the Military Prepping for WWIII

Mike Pompeo has done a lot for the country so far in his lifetime, including his time as secretary of state and CIA director...
Perry McLeod / shutterstock.com

Document Hoarder Joe Biden Caught with Enough Docs to Fill a Tractor Trailer

Stolen classified document hoarder Joe Biden continues to find himself in a deeper and deeper hole as more classified docs continue turning up. Senator...
fotodrobik / shutterstock.com

Woman Sees Open Carry in a Store and Runs to Twitter… The Response is...

What is your response when you see someone openly carrying a gun in public? Apparently, for this Arizona woman, it’s rather “frightening.” It just...
nicemyphoto / shutterstock.com

Of Course, They Want You to Eat More Bugs

For most of us, bugs and insects are not on our usual favorite foods list. In fact, for what is likely the majority of...
