The field of radiation physics has blown the fake theory of global warming wide open over the past two years. A new study published in the Journal of Sustainable Development finds that even if every nation on earth were able to achieve its goal of “Net Zero” carbon emissions, the impact on global temperatures would be so small that it could not be measured.
The theory of human-caused climate change or whatever you want to call it has now been repeatedly proven to be hot sidewalk garbage. So much for the consensus. Unlike the field of “climatology,” which is the scientific equivalent of a witch doctor with a bone through his nose, physicists use objective math. There is no theorizing or scaremongering involved. They can prove the earth is not significantly warming the temperature inside a fixed atmosphere like we have around the earth.
This new study took place at the University of Sheffield in the UK. The findings prove that if every nation on Earth were able to achieve Net Zero, the impact would be to lower global surface temperatures by less than 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. That is negligible in terms of temperature. It doesn’t even rise to the level of “trivial.”
However, it would cost nations tens of trillions of dollars to reorganize their economies around so-called “green energy.” The research proves (once again) that global warming is fake and carbon dioxide is not a real greenhouse gas.
The scientists concluded that the money nations are spending to “mitigate” climate change and prevent a supposed weather catastrophe would be much better spent on improving economic, health, and educational opportunities for the poor.
Global warming is fake! Tell your kids!