As gangs and street thugs armed with illegal weapons continue to take advantage of law-abiding citizens, many in Oakland, California, have had enough. Watching businesses and opportunities leave their city faster than the moving trucks can show up, they are tired of the crime and fear as they walk down the street. Now, according to NBC Bay Area, that is changing.
The Bay Area Gun Club finds itself now inundated with new member applications. With many women suddenly wanting to join, their ranks have members from 20 to 80 years old. Channon Smith, president of the Bay Area Gun Club, told the outlet that many had hit their limit of being a statistic in their city. With laws frequently changing and a lot of ambiguity, Smith says the club helps by bringing in a heavy rotation of former law enforcement and gun safety experts who drop in to hold courses.
Member Keisha Henderson also spoke with NBC Bay Area about her decision to get her concealed carry permit and join last year. When city officials refused to take her safety concerns seriously, she knew she was left to defend herself.
In a tweet that accompanied footage of the incident that made her start packing, Henderson said, “This morning, I was handling business on MY property, and these teenagers (3 of them) decided to walk onto my property and try to get into one of my cars. When it comes down to the protection of my home, I’m not about to think twice about standing on business. I am not talking about waiting on OPD to handle it, either. I’m not playing any games at all.”
Hopefully, Henderson and other members of the club will remember this feeling when it comes time to vote in November.