A taxpayer-funded nonprofit in Maine called Maine Access Points (MAP), along with Portland’s needle distribution center, is providing guides and kits for “boofing,” a method where drug users inject substances into their rectums.
“Boofing” is a slang term that refers to the act of ingesting drugs rectally. It’s not a medically recommended method and can be dangerous due to the rapid absorption and potential for overdose.
A report by the Maine Wire states that Portland offers a “Portland Public Health Boofing Kit,” which includes a needleless syringe and an informational flyer explaining how to perform boofing. This method can be used for drugs like meth, heroin, and, perhaps most alarming, fentanyl.
Maine’s boofing kits provide drug abusers with everything they need to indulge their addiction anally in one convenient package. These supplies include saline and a container for mixing the drugs, lubricant, cleansing wipes, and needless syringes. If you’ve never boofed, the MAP provides detailed instructions on the procedure. And if you over-boof, some kits include two doses of Narcan, a drug commonly used to reverse overdoses.
But who would want to shove drugs up their rectums? According to the flyer, it’s an excellent choice for drug users whose veins have collapsed from abuse. Additionally, MAP touts it as a great alternative for meth or crack smokers who want to “give their lungs a break.”
Even more disturbing, the alleged “experts” at MAP suggest that boofing is a romantic activity that can increase intimacy between partners. A half-hour MAP video titled “All About Boofing” MAP highlights the romance of date night boofing, along with claims that the activity is a “relatively safe way” to use drugs.
Some benefits of boofing drugs include avoiding the waste of hard-earned illegal drugs if a vein can’t be found to inject them, experts advise. In fact, the boofing experts say that the procedure “reduces stress” by eliminating the frustration drug abusers feel when they can’t find a vein.
And, per these experts, boofing can help reduce the risk of brain damage caused by infected injection sites.
But it’s not all fun and games; caution the MAP boofing experts. Inserting the syringe more than an inch can perforate the rectum, and reusing the syringes can lead to sepsis. Boofers are advised to use an enema before and after inserting the syringe to improve the “hygiene” of the experience. Users are warned that not cleaning out their rectums after boofing can cause contaminants to remain in the rectum.
MAP has stopped short of providing enemas in their kits but advises that a turkey baster will do the job efficiently.
MAP experts also warn that users should not be alarmed if they experience rectal bleeding while boofing, advising boofers not to “freak out” if it happens.
Boofers may find themselves shunned within the drug-abuser community, however. MAP laments that there is a “stigma” related to shoving syringes full of drugs up one’s rectum. The stigma, MAP worries, is usually due to sexual abuse and cultural reluctance. Experts warn boofers not to “force” boof someone, especially in a “group boof” scenario. One expert notes, “It’s important to respect boundaries.”
In 2021, MAP received almost half a million dollars in taxpayer funding and is set to get $75,000 in 2024 for its needle distribution program, according to the Maine Wire. The organization might receive even more money since the Maine Recovery Council, which will manage $63 million until 2028, may award additional funding to the boofing project.
As expected, public reaction to Maine’s taxpayer-funded boofing kits is mixed. Some residents buy the claim that it is a harm-reduction approach and believe MAP’s claims about the procedure’s “safety and health benefits.” However, others are worried about the unconventional method of drug use and disagree that funds should be spent on the program.
Maine’s boofing project is a progressive’s dream come true. Rather than spending time and money in the hopes of rehabilitating drug addicts, furnish them with the supplies they need to continue on their path to self-destruction. After all, enablement goes hand-in-hand with the progressive vision.