Kamala Harris—proof that even in politics, some people can’t decide on their principles. Remember in 2019 when she was the far-left champion of all things progressive? Fast forward to today, and it seems like Harris is playing a new game: “Let’s See What the Polls Say.” Now that she’s the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, she’s conveniently “forgotten” those radical positions she used to champion.
So what happened to all those far-left policies? They’re as good as gone, according to Harris’s latest maneuvers. She hasn’t detailed her new agenda, and her campaign website lacks policy specifics. But don’t worry—she promises a policy platform soon. How soon? We’ll find out when she finally schedules an interview, which could be as elusive as her previous stances.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and revisit Harris’s many policy U-turns:
During her 2019 campaign, Harris was adamant about banning fracking, condemning it as a threat to community health. She made it sound like fracking was the root of all evil in energy production. But, just a year later, she changed her tune. When pressed about her flip-flop, she was “comfortable” with Biden’s position, which didn’t include banning fracking. An anonymous campaign spokesman claims Harris wouldn’t ban fracking at all—quite a change of heart.
In 2019, Harris was all about decriminalizing border crossings and even flirted with the idea of abolishing ICE. Fast forward to now, and she’s suddenly discovering that unauthorized border crossings are illegal. What a revelation! Her campaign officials say she now supports the status quo on border enforcement. Maybe she’s spent too much time balancing her old promises with new political realities.
Harris’s healthcare plan was a hot mess from the start. Initially, she was all in for Medicare for All, even going to eliminate private insurance. When the backlash hit, she backpedaled faster than a speeding bullet, offering a plan still allowing private insurers. Now? According to anonymous sources, she’s ditched Medicare for All entirely. It looks like she’s as committed to her healthcare plan as to her other policies.
In her 2019 campaign, Harris was clear: she wanted a mandatory gun buyback program. She was ready to use executive action to force it through if Congress didn’t act. But now? Her campaign says she supports Biden’s call for banning assault weapons without the mandatory buyback requirement. I guess the guns weren’t as big a problem as she thought—at least, not anymore.
Harris’s drastic shifts on these issues might signify political strategy or a lack of genuine conviction. Either way, they make it hard to take her seriously. If she’s changing her positions this frequently, one must wonder what she truly stands for—or if she stands for anything.