Frequently, when a parent is featured on the news in response to their child committing a crime, they are often depicted as claiming their child is harmless. Continuously blaming everyone but themselves or their child, they refuse to take accountability for what transpired, or even in trying to make it right.
56-year-old Beverly Parks of the Bronx in New York City is not one of those mothers.
After receiving a call from her daughter-in-law, Parks learned that her son, 39-year-old Kashaan Parks was behind the brutal strangulation and rape of a 45-year-old woman in the Bronx. Having confessed to his wife after surveillance footage of the attack was put on the news, the wife immediately called his mother. Speaking to the New York Post, Beverly claims to have stayed up all night begging Kashaan to make the right decision and turn himself in.
Now facing first-degree rape, assault, strangulation, sex abuse, public lewdness, and harassment charges, Kashaan is only adding to his reported list of problems. When the New York Post spoke to his mother about the incident, Beverly claimed that he had recently turned to drugs and alcohol after becoming distraught over the death of his father back in Belize. Still, she made no excuse for him and wants to see him get his life right, and for the woman he harmed to get justice.
It’s rare to have parents like these in 2024. All too often, parents make excuses about the cops, society, or the victim being racist or having some other type of bias. Meanwhile, Beverly is holding her son’s feet to the fire. Her son is the father of two, so it almost seems as if Beverly is determined to ensure her son doesn’t screw up his kid’s lives like his dad’s death did his.